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Bonded Xenon Winter Tarp (Solid Color)

$179.00 - $189.00
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DutchWare’s Xenon Winter Tarp is a lightweight and durable winter style tarp with doors made from Xenon Sil 1.1. The fabric is reinforced with a ripstop grid, the tieouts are reinforced with grosgrain, the ridgelines are enclosed in grosgrain, and it includes 1/2″ beastee d-rings on the 10 ground tieouts and 1″ beastee d-rings for the ridgeline.

Xenon is a polyester sil fabric that has little to no stretch which allows your tarp to stay pitched nice and tight.

*optional side panel pullouts available*

Ridgeline Length: 132 inches (11 ft) or 144 inches (12 ft)

Width: 9.5 ft

Tieouts: 10 ground and 2 ridgeline
1 × 1 × 1 in