Adjustable Structural Ridgelines

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We offer different types of structural ridgelines: adjustable and fixed. Our adjustable options are Whoopie Sling ridgelines and UCR* ridgelines. Fixed ridgelines are available in 100- and 110-inch lengths for 10- for and 11-foot hammocks. All ridgeline options are made using 1.75mm Zing-it!™ or Lash-it!™. Consider a Ridgeline Biner so you can disconnect your ridgeline for lounging. These ridgelines are made using 1.75mm Zing-It! ™ Or Lash-It! ™.

The UCR* will have a minimum length of 26-inches and a maximum of 135-inches

* Utility Constrictor Rope

1 × 1 × 1 in